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Monday, October 29, 2012

Fenugreek and Your Mapley Armpits

Hello and welcome to another edition of Crazyland, I’m Ms. Daisy, and I’ll be your host.

So. I love sprouty sprouts on my sandwiches. Don’t you? Say you do. They’re so yum. Well, I got this great sprout mix from the local health food store in seed form so I could just sprout them on my windowsill to my heart’s delight. Which, of course, I did.

Picture is thanks to

This lovely mix has 3 types of sprouting seeds in it: clover, fenugreek and radish.  Check it out!  It’s zingy and tasty. A delicious combination for any sandwich in need of some sprouts to cheer it up! Obviously, as you know by now, I have somewhat of a tendency to go slightly (shall we say?) overboard (tomato eating and whatnot).

And this is exactly what I did on the sprouts.

Shock and awe, right?

I know.

So let’s just say I thought they were so delicious and wonderful that I started eating them every day until they were all gone. Yum. I ate them on crackers, in sandwiches and just plain by the handful.

Then something strange happened.

There was this smell. This mapley-syrup smell. 

Coming from where, say you? Ah, yes. It was only just coming out of my armpits. Naturally!

This was slightly alarming, but it was the exact same smell I smelled last year when I took this herbal concoction of Fennu-Thyme. Fennu-Thyme? Wait a minute - it was the FENUGREEK! Eee-gads!

I mean, it went away last year after a while so I wasn’t too worried. But still.

So I called my dear friend, because she cooks food with flavor and yummy-ness and I knew she probably used fenugreek at times. I happen to get her on speaker with her hubby and I asked them if perchance, maybe, when they ate fenugreek, did they have it sweating out of their armpits later?

Their answer was laughter and a resounding “no”. She said that she doesn’t usually eat it in raw sprouty form, and just usually cooks up the seeds or uses the ground up powder, so maybe it was different.

Uh-oh. Great. Well.

So I go back to my health food store (because I love it) and I happen to be talking with the manager about plenty of things (because that’s what I do) and I ask her if she’s ever sprouted the zingy trio – and I’m in luck, she has. I then ask (in a tone trying to sound as nonchalant as I possibly can), “Have you ever…um…had the smell of fenugreek coming out of your armpits later? Like when you’re sweating?”

Response, “Um, you better look that up online or something.”

Fan-freakin’-tastic. Even the manager of the health food store – a person, I’m sure, who has heard the most insane problems ever known to humanity - thinks I’m a freak! She suggests maybe I’m one of those people who has a special gene that I can smell things that other people can’t. Yeah, I’m special all right. Like an Ohioan. Great.

So I think to myself, great, I have some disease. I have Maple Syrup Fenugreek Armpit Disease or something. That must be it. I’ll look it up online. I look up “sweating fenugreek”.

There is really not much out there on this. Either most people are not sprouting fenugreek (possible) or most people don’t smell like a Vermont forest in March after its consumption (also possible).

And then I find it.

It’s this site, titled something like “the largest raw food site on the net” and they have a forum. Within this forum, they have a post about sweating out fenugreek. Glory! Jackpot. Apparently it is an herb that is used often to boost volumes of human lactation (Eeks, don’t need that! Not now, anyway, thankyouverymuch.).

A woman asks if anyone has ever experienced a maple syrup smell sweating out of them after eating fenugreek. The responses are varied, but they mostly seem to rejoice in this (sigh of relief/eyebrow of perplexity) and one person says, “Who needs patchouli when you have fenugreek?”

Oh. Yes. Obviously.

I am pretty sure I am going to get my Certified Organic Granola Crunchy Hippie status certificate in the mail any day now.

Peace, love and pancakes, anyone?

Ms. Daisy


  1. I am relieved to read this. Exactly the same thing happens to me with fenugreek but it's not a maple syrup smell ...but I love them too much to give them up. I soak the seeds in water overnight to let them swell, drain them in the morning and add to my uncooked steel cut oats (also soaked overnight) and throw other bits and pieces in.

    Hmmm...what to do? I got an all natural recipe for a deodorant from pinterest...coconut oil, baking soda, cornflour and lavender oil.

    I prefer to mask the smell than give up fenugreek.


  2. Hey Shirl,

    I agree. I actually don't mind the smell of it at all. It was just a shock. Sounds like a good breakfast!

    I use the deodorant recipe from Crunchy Betty that she calls "Not A Secret", but I modify it with some different essential oils. I keep the rosemary and tea tree oil but add in sweet orange essential oil and clove. Now that I think about it, I think I add a drop of lavender in there too. Like Crunchy Betty, I used to think it was a big deal to ditch commericially made deodorant and since I have, I wonder what on earth I was thinking.

    The only thing I would not use might be corn flour (corn starch?). I read a lot of reviews and perhaps because of corn being GMO, people have a lot of issues in their pits with it. I use arrowroot powder instead and it works great. A lot of people who can't tolerate the corn starch have good success with arrowroot (in case that happens to you, so you know of another option.).

    On with the fenugreek! :)
    Ms. Daisy

  3. I was on an essential oil site where someone said their hubby's pits smelled like syrup after ingesting a few drops of Fenugreek oil. It happened that his brother had extremely stinky pits not matter what he used. So some was sent to the bro' to see if it worked for him. Yep, syrup smells better than pit stink, so, voila! Happy family.

  4. Ha ha! Well, there ya go. Maple fresh pits.
    Ms. Daisy

