I don’t know how it is everywhere, but here in
these United States, everyone loves to have a good solid New Year’s resolution
or two. Or five. And amongst the throngs of lists of the many
resolves, there stands one which is so prevalent and pronounced that it is
quite likely that it is the most popular resolution ever made and I dare say it
is made every year by the
masses. What is this resolution that is
so near and dear and popular and prevalent?
The fantastic resolution to lose weight/begin
This is never more evident to me than in the
gym in the wee hours of the morning all throughout January. I, being somewhat of a creature of habit,
have my “own” locker at the gym. If I
could stencil my name on it, I would, but since I can’t, I just claim it by
using the same one every single morning.
It is the perfect spot for me, oh how I love it so! It never fails, however, that sometime in
January, a person who is pretending that they are going to get fit and fabulous
waddles in and steals my locker. This
only happens in January because about 5 weeks (6 if you’d like to make bets on
it) after the new year, all of those people who were working it out to go work
out totally quit and go back to sleeping in and eating potato chips on their
couches while they identify with the contestants on The Biggest Loser (I love
you, Bob and Jillian!)
This is the time where all of the actual
regulars rejoice and are free to enjoy a much more open space in the privacy of
their own locker area without threat of invasion.
Maybe you’ve got a resolution to pick up a new
hobby or learn something you’ve never tried before. If you aren’t a runner, might I suggest
giving it a whirl? It is a very
rewarding hobby and once you convince yourself you’d like to do it and begin
pursing it, there are a myriad of benefits.
What benefits, say you? Well,
there’s the obvious – an increase in cardiovascular health, a trimmer figure,
and perhaps even the coveted golden crown of weight loss and a shrinking of the
posterior regions. Then you’ve got the
others – a great stress-reliever and an outlet for clearing your mind and
lungs. You get to enjoy the scenery
around you on an up-closer scale that you wouldn’t be able to do if you were
passing by on a bus or in a car and it gives you an appreciation for your
surroundings (or you just get entertainment value by playing a game of “Grade The
Lawns” as you run past). You may even
develop an addiction to it with all those endorphins flying around, not to mention the best sleep you'll ever have after a killer run (for all of you dear insomniacs out there). Some research reports that running even
reduces your risk of disease like breast cancer and osteoporosis for women.
Now you’re sitting there thinking, “Yeah, that’s just great Ms. Daisy, but I have
to tell you something: I HATE RUNNING.”
I know, I know. You like the idea of running but the actual
doing it is horrid torture. I was
there. I know how you feel.
Sometimes you’ve got to pull the
mind-over-matter thing. I didn’t start
running until after I was 27ish years old.
I called up my little sister (who was a member of a cross country
running team) and said…
“Hey, so, I’ve been thinking. I think it would be so cool to be a marathon
runner! Do you want to do a marathon
with me?”
Sister: “Do you have any idea how long a
marathon actually is?”
Me: “Um, no…”
Sister: “26.2 miles.”
Me: “Oh, ick.
What do they have that’s less?”
“A half?”
Me: “Ummmm, still no…is that the least?”
Sister: “There’s a 10k, 6.2 miles.”
Me: “Oh man! Is there anything else?”
Sister: “A 5k?”
Me: “Sold! I’m so doing that! Now, how do I do it?”
I didn’t really know how, but I ran 6 days a
week for practice. I actually started
off with quite hating running. I could
only really run about one block. The
amazing thing about your body and your muscle memory is that it grows and grows
– the more you practice, the more you can do.
The positive reinforcement I got from being able to steadily do more and
more (plus my idea that I would soon get to call myself “a runner”) spurred me
on to keep it up, even when it was hard and I didn’t feel like it anymore.

I am happy to tell you that if I can do it,
you can do it. I truly could not run
more than a block. After several years
of training off and on, I even managed to finish a half marathon (13.1 miles/21
k). I am not telling you this so that I
can tell you fascinating stories of my personal awesomeness, but rather to say
Whaddya think?
Do you want to call yourself a runner?
What resolutions do you have?
Ms. Daisy
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