Hey peeps!
I know some of you get my blog emailed to you and so you don't often visit my actual webpage. That's all good. Thanks for reading.
But because you get me delivered to your inbox (wow, it's nice in here! I like what you've done with the place!), you may not be aware that I've got some tabs up on top that you may like to peruse.
For example.
I have an "About Ms. Daisy" page that I just KNOW you'll be dying to read. Obvs.
But the other thing is that I've got another page that I update every once in a while - it's my book club. I like reading crazy things and I let you know what I'm reading (because HELLO, I'm sure you want to do it, too. Well, or no. But I pretend.).
So if you like to read, c'mon over and let me know what you're up to. Or you can just be amused at what strange things I'm reading and shake your head in yet even more wonder at my outlandishness.
Here it is, so you don't have to click all over the place and figure out where it is: Ms. Daisy's Reading Blog
That's it. Just thought you may want to know!
Peace, love and happy Sunday,
Ms. Daisy
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