This one has been brewing a bit for a while. A few people brought this up to my attention asking me what I thought of it and I thought maybe we could chat on it here a bit.
The topic: the flu shot
The question: Whyfor should I get or not get it?
Do you already have a firm stance in your head? Perhaps you do. Today I'd like to explore the whole can of worms. Ready to jump in? Yum. Worms.
(Watch the nightcrawlers. And if you get a handful, toss them over here so I can convert my compost to vermicompost.)
So, here's my first thought. Whatever the thing is that has potential for entering into my bloodstream, digestive system or dermal layer - I ask one question. What is in this? Is this food/product man-made or is it something naturally occurring in God's green earth? If it is something that is seemingly naturally occurring, has it been modified by people in any way? What way?
Usually those questions get straight to if I'm going to allow a substance or disallow it.
So, let's have a look at this in regards to the flu shot. You've got to find the ingredients of this bad boy to even ponder thoughts about it in the first place. It may be challenging to find the ingredients, but it isn't impossible.
For this year's flu shot (2013), they're trying to protect against H1N1, H3N2, and influenza B. As you likely know, vaccinations come with a little bit of either a live or dead strain of the thing-a-ma-jigger that you want to wake your body up to killing off by way of producing antibodies for that little naughty. This one is a split influenza virus, inactivated strains.
Don't take my word for what's inside this bugger, go check it out for yourself here.
The first thing that you may be slightly alarmed at is the fact that it contains thimerosal (read: MERCURY), but it also contains formaldehyde (carcinogen). What you will also be very impressed with is that it is FDuh approved. What a relief. If the FDA approves it, it must be good for you!
Let's take a look at thimerosal. As you likely know, many people link this neurotoxin to the increasing percentages within the population who are now listed on the spectrum for autism. (See studies here: ) Because mercury is the strongest neurotoxin known to man, it seems no wonder that there has been much alarm concerning this preservative for intramuscular vaccinations. In fact, when it caught so much media attention for the danger that it poses to society, many companies dropped thimerosal as a preservative and begain proclaiming triumphantly that theirs was a formulation without the dangerous toxin.
The flu shot of 2013 makes no such claims. And rightly so, as you can see in black in white that it contains thimerosal (see page 14 of the leaflet). According to the leaflet, anyone aged 36 months or older is going to get 25 mcg of mercury with their handy-dandy flu shot.
If you would like to see exactly how mercury is a neurotoxin and causes neurodegeneration, take a look at this film-strippy video made by the University of Calgary (Alberta). They did trials of different heavy metals and found that only mercury destroyed the structure of the brain neurons.
The next alarming ingredient is formaldehyde. If you're older than 3 years old, you're going to get 100 mcg of that bad boy. The CDC doesn't make any qualms about telling you how this is a carcinogen.
Oooh, inject away!
The other ingredients in there are octylphenol ethoxylate (up to 150 mcg), gelatin (0.05%), and sodium phosphate-buffered isotonic sodium chloride solution (quantity sufficient to appropriate volume).
Octylphenol ethoxylate is also known as Triton X-100 and is made by the Dow chemical company (that same darling company that poisoned millions of people in India not so very long ago and made the land impossible to support life). Octylphenol ethoxylate is a known endocrine distruptor and is especially harmful to aquatic life. The Scottish EPA has a page on it for you to read up:
As you may also know, the increase of sodium phosphates has been a nutritional problem in that phosphorus and calcium have to be in a balance in your body. If you have an overabundance of phosphates (it's in stuff like pop), you lose the ability to absorb calcium. That's the how behind "pop will rot your bones/teeth out!"
I spoke with a pediatric D.O. regarding vaccinations and he suggested that the mercury that was used in such things was a "safer" version of mercury, that is to say that it is ethyl mercury, not methyl mercury. Here is an interesting article on that exact subject. Unfortunately for those taking comfort in the fact that they feel they've injected themselves with a safer mercury, this article does not support that it is safe.
To be quite frank, whether or not the ethyl mercury is indeed "safer" than methyl mercury, I would honestly rather steer clear of having any of it injected directly into my body. You can make your own decisions for such things, and I encourage you to do your research so that you may be able to speak in an ecucated way regarding such things.
At any rate, the efficacy rate for the flu shot overall is somewhere between 56-60%. That is slightly over the 50/50 chance that it will be helpful to you. Think about that a while. Do the risks outweigh the benefits? That is the question you need to think about for yourself and for your loved ones.
But apparently CVS is all about helping you make your decision in favor of the flu shot - they'll give you 20% off of your entire purchase if you get one. To that, I mutter my own version of specially reserved comments. Perhaps you can purchase the pretend food they have there and support quality companies like MonSatan. They're FDA approved! (Heck, they ARE the FDA! Want to see the horror? Read here:
Make your decision and make sure you're educated.
Peace, love and I just might take my chances on the barfs,
Ms. Daisy
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